Remember the bonnet and booties set I made for my cousin and their soon to be first baby? Well I did finish it just in time for my Aunt to take with her to the baby shower in New York. It was finished the night before in fact! Whew, that was cutting it close!
I didn’t put roses on the booties like I had planned to because I thought the ruffles and pink ribbon were just enough. The roses would have been a bit too much. I love how the lacy crochet looks with the delicate flowers (:
I’m getting ready to start on another one soon, I’m thinking either antique white with pale lilac buds and ribbon, or soft yellow with darker yellow, or even a pretty orange, blooms and ribbon. What do you think?
It’s beautiful!
Pretty :)
I like the hat/bonnet very cute
That is gorgeous! I am learning to crochet and started with a hippie-style tunic using a flower wheel.
That sounds like an awesome first project!
I just love tiny baby items made by crochet! Although I do not know how to crochet, its a nice gift to receive! And you know it was made from the heart! <3
This set is exquisite – and I would like to try to crochet it! Can you share where I might find the pattern please? I live in Alberta, Canada so no chance of our gifting the same one.
Thanks…and looking forward to hearing from you.
Henrietta, I was wondering where I can find the pattern for this bonnet and booties. It is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thanks so much! Sincerely, Regina Potter
what a Beautiful job……where may i get the pattern??
Love the crochet baby set it’s just beautiful.
Could you tell me where I can get the pattern.
Thanks so much,
Andi Long
I have been looking for something just like this, how do I purchase this pattern , thank you