Today’s prompt: Something you use every day.
At first I was drawing a blank about something I use everyday. I mean I use many many things every single day! The computer sprang to mind first and foremost… but that’s a given! I use the car, the fridge, the coffeepot, the bed, the couch, spell check, this chair. Hmmm what should I share with you though?
The one thing that I do use every day, the one thing that I have to use in order to be able to use anything else in my life… my glasses!
Without my glasses my life would seriously suck. I wouldn’t be able to see the sun rise in the morning, the trees, the blue sky with puffy white clouds. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy star gazing in the summer or playing Frisbee with the kids (I’d get a concussion from that without my glasses!). The features of my children would be blurred. I wouldn’t be able to see the laughter in their eyes or the new whiskers my teen is sprouting on his chin. New springtime chicks would be blurry puffballs, my dog Ginger would look like a giant blob of brown.

See the comparison? No, my life would not be full of bright colors or small details if it weren’t for this piece of metal and plastic.
[…] Something you use every day. […]