Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton – A Book Review

Amazing CowsCows! Who doesn’t love them, round, large, with soft gentle eyes. Did you know they have a whole secret life though? I had no idea until I was recently asked to review Sandra Boynton’s – Amazing Cows!

Her latest book is full of “udder absurdity for children” and “all ages up to a hundred and moo”! I had thought that I had never heard of Sandra Boynton but after looking at her site, I see she also wrote one of my very favorite board books that Pie had years ago – Barnyard Dance – love it! I also absolutely love this nonsensical and completely fascinating look into the lives of those loveable bovine most of know as simply cows.

Sandra Boynton Q & A

Q: Why did you want to write Amazing Cows?
SB: I felt I was ready to move beyond chickens and pigs, to really take it to the next level.

Q: But aren’t there a number of pigs and chickens in this new book of yours?
SB: Oh well, yes, an artist can’t just leave chickens behind altogether. And of course the throughline of pigs in my work over the years is critical.

Q: Describe your book. What’s in it, who is it for?
SB: Certainly. AMAZING COWS is a book with lots of amazing cows in it. It’s for people who like books with lots of amazing cows.

Q: What was the hardest part of writing this book?
SB: Now and then, I would write something and suddenly realize it had maybe some basis in reality. So then I had to carefully rework it until I was pretty certain that it was total nonsense. It takes vigilance and discipline.

Q: What advice do you have to writers just starting out?
SB: Be yourself. Eat a balanced diet. Remember to say “I love you.”

Q: What’s next for you? Where do you go from here?
SB: I don’t want to give too much away. It’s just too soon. But, okay: Ducks.

So what could Sandra possibly share with us that we don’t already know about cows? How about silly poems, heartfelt cow stories, cow myth, cow funnies and even an heroic cow comic book involving the caped “Amazing Cow” himself who stars in “Trouble on Zebblor 7”. One of my favorite parts of the book is the last story – “Cow and Pig” story, a tale of two friends who find out a little bit about each other and their friendship,  totally sweet, silly, and funny.

Amazing Cows page7

Amazing Cows page8

You shouldn’t go into reading Amazing Cows expecting a book of cow facts or seriousness at all, you should however, expect to laugh and giggle and force your husband to listen to you recite tidbits and cow knock knock jokes while he rolls his eyes at you and tells you you’re a dork.. Oh wait, that may only be MY husband who does that :)

The kids sure agreed with me, they thought the book was funny with a capital FUN! Fifteen year old Mr.T. even read through it when he saw it laying on the table and had a few good laughs after asking me “What IS this?” Pie of course, loves anything to do with animals and jokes so this was right up her alley as well.

I think Sandra Boynton has such a unique and quirky way with words that appeals to all ages. It doesn’t come off forced or fake in anyway, which is what makes her writing all the more entertaining! The 96 paged book is sturdy enough for children yet humorous enough for adults. A wonderful gift for anyone on your list who likes a good chuckle! Also, I think it would make a welcome donation to your child’s elementary school classroom!

Amazing Cows page

I was also lucky enough to receive the 17-month Mom’s Family Calendar by Sandra Boynton.
calendarThis thing ROCKS!

I am very unorganized so everything I need to remember is always written on, or thumb-tacked near, my calendar. I usually fill and overflow those small daily squares on regular sized calendars so I was pleasantly surprised with the unique layout of this one. It opens up to a full 27″ in length by 12″ in width. Each month takes up the full 27″ so there is plenty of room for my scribble!

Across the top of the page (and by each day) there are 5 boxes for you to write the names of your family members (Mom is already filled out in the first box). There is a very useful 3″ deep pocket on the bottom of the calendar that comes in handy for holding those permission slips and picture money envelopes that are always floating around. You also get 500 cute stickers, and a magnetic Mom’s Family Phone List chart to hang on the fridge.  I like it, I like it a lot! You should definitely take a look at it if you’re thinking of buying calendars for anyone on your list – buy one for yourself too, you’ll love it.

You can keep up to date with Sandra on her website . Also keep up with her publisher Workman Publishing on Facebook.

Buy It:

Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton is available at (currently $10.95), $10.95)  and other online offline retailers, as is her Mom’s Family Calendar 2011 (currently $9.99 on

Win It Here!

Thanks to Workman Publishing one lucky reader will win their own copy of Amazing Cows to keep or give as a gift!

How to Enter: (mandatory)

Leave me a comment about cows… Anything, do you like them? Do you hate them? Why? Do you know an amazing cow? Just tell me something about cows and you’re entered! Easy!

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Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton will make you giggle! #Win one today @ahensnest @WorkmanPub #giveaway #bookreview

Rules: Follow the directions above! Giveaway open United States & Canada, 18+ only and ends December 22nd, 11:59 est. Winners must reply to email within 48 hours or I will redraw.

Amazing Cow Credits:
Excerpted from AMAZING COWS by Sandra Boynton
Copyright 2010 by Sandra Boynton
Used by permission of Workman Publishing Co., Inc. New York
All Rights Reserved

Thanks to Workman Publishing for sending a free book and calendar to facilitate my candid review, and for offering a wonderful giveaway for my readers. All opinions and experiences are my own and unswayed by product received, your opinion may vary. No other compensation received. Questions? View my Disclosure.

Henrietta's signature image

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 3

    i think cows are adorable and funny, especially their slobbery spitty mouths! :)

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    coady mcphee says


  6. 8

    I do like cows. I had a friend with a pet cow that would come running when you called it’s name ;)

  7. 9

    google reader subscriber

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    i like the hens nest on facebook (Tanya Riley)

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    When I was a little girl, we lived down the street from a dairy farm. For some reason their cows liked our house. I would often get up, and go outside to wait for the bus, and there would be several cows on our front yard. They would never go anywhere else, just to our house. It was really funny.I like cows.

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  13. 15

    I know an adorable 8 month old cow (okay, so really he’s a baby, but he dressed up as the most adorable cow for halloween in honor of his favorite book–cows in the kitchen)

  14. 16

    i love cows. i with that so many of them weren’t rounded up into CAFOs to be fed GMO corn and extra processed food. they deserve better.

  15. 17
    crystle tellerday says

    i saw a lot of holstein cows at the fair

  16. 18

    I grew up next to a cow pasture. I always liked to go pet the cows through the fence. It’s amazing that “town” was only a couple miles away, and there I was next to cows.

    *I have that calendar too, and LOVE it. Can’t live without it.

  17. 19

    Cows always make me think of my mother-in-law. No, I’m not being mean or rude. Her kitchen is decorated with cows so whenever I see anything cow related I always buy it for her collection.

  18. 20

    I follow with GFC

  19. 21

    when I was still a kid, we used to have a brown cow named “brutus”. when my grandpa sold it, he said they’d turn it into corned beef and i used to wonder which among the corned beef cans contained “brutus”

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    hi henrietta. this is not required but just want to say that i blogged about it here:

    happy holidays!

  25. 27
    Eileen Pusateri says

    My grandma always said that when all the cows in a pasture are lying down, it’s gonna rain.

  26. 28
    Eileen Pusateri says

    I “like” A Hen’s Nest on Facebook

  27. 29

    Cows are amazing because they run so fast with such skinny legs!

  28. 30

    My husband used to milk cows when he was a kid, so we like cows.

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    OH MY GOSH! I LOOOOOVE Sandra Boynton books! no way, this is awesome. my little 3 year old has been playing super hero cow for at least a month now. A spin off of chik-fil-a, but still he is going to eat these books up. We are the biggest fans of you Sandra! I give your books as gifts all the time and we have many of them! great work!

  34. 36

    When my grandmother was little, her mother told her that the cows across the street took her bottles away. She never liked cows after that =P

  35. 37

    I love cows. We’ve had Jersey’s and pretty white Charlois. They can get attitudinal, but over all, they are big goof balls.

  36. 38
    Pamela White says

    I grew up in the city and knew nothing about cows until I went to Kansas with my husband and learned the art of cow tipping.

  37. 39

    MooOOOooOOOoo…I love cows…I remember as a kid my dad would always yell out the car window at them…”Hello Girls~!!”…I would think…how in the name of heaven does my dad know they’re girls…LOL…oh to be so young again…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

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    I like their long eyelashes. I am ashamed that I eat them.

  47. 49
  48. 50
  49. 51

    I like cows, love to go by the farms and see the cows out grazing!

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    I follow you on GFC(Linda G)

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    Soha Molina says

    I like cows.

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    Soha Molina says
  56. 58

    I was raised on a farm and love cows! I live in the city now (city farm girl!) but I have cows in my kitchen, computer room and scattered throughout the whole house. I’ve got a whole herd and just love them all! Love your site!!

  57. 59
  58. 60

    One of the best things about cows: they play a major role in one of my favorite Hayden Carruth poems: “The Cows at Night”; but I love Sandra Boynton and so do my kids!

  59. 62

    I think cows are fascinating. And my son loves cow milk :-)

  60. 63
  61. 64

    we love Cows, my kids are always on the look out when we are driving to see how many different cows they can find

  62. 65
  63. 66

    I’m quite fond of cows, for some reason…I went to college in Vermont and discovered Woody Jackson’s cow art [he did the cows for the Ben and Jerry’s containers] so they hold a warm place in my heart. :)

  64. 67
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  66. 69

    I have lived in rural Arkansas for over 25 years and I have never milked a cow. I would love this book for my son. THank you

  67. 70

    We had cows, hogs, chickens, etc. when I was a child. I was a little afraid of the cows because they were so much bigger than me. However, the baby calves were so cute!

  68. 71

    Two years ago, we moved next door to a cow pasture. We love feeding the cows bread and giving them ridiculous names like Moo Moo and Baby Moo. We call the bull Belfast!

  69. 72
    susan smoaks says

    i love cows, i love hamburgers, i love milk, i love everything about cows!

  70. 73

    cows are so cute! suelee1998 @

  71. 74

    My little nephew just learned to imitate a cow! So Cute!

  72. 75

    I LIKE A hens Nest @ erinn arena sluka

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    I love cows

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    Final Tweet… …heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

  79. 82

    I can make a great mooing sound of a cow!

  80. 83
    Renee Richardson says

    I am ashamed to say this but the first thing that came to mind when you asked that question is the fact that I just ate a burger :( LOL!!!
    Thanks for the great giveaway :)

    mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com

  81. 84
    Raven In A Blue Room says

    Happy Cows come from California ( love those commercial for real california cheese)

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

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    following you both on twitter @left_the_stars
    I tweeted your giveaway

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  87. 90

    My college Michigan State was called MOO U, by it’s rivials because they had an excellent Dairy Science program.

  88. 91
    James Coyne says

    I think cows are useful . They make milk

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    James Coyne says

    I like you on facebook

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  91. 94
    James Coyne says
  92. 95

    I like cows, they produce great things, milk, ribs, steaks, etc.

  93. 96


  1. […] & Friends giveaway (U.S. & Canada) 12/12 giveaway 5 winners!(Worldwide) 12/20 Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton giveaway (U.S. & Canada) 12/22 Li’l Peeps & Click the […]

  2. Tweets that mention Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton – A Book Review {giveaway} says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Henrietta Newman, Henrietta Newman. Henrietta Newman said: Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton will make you giggle! #Win one today @ahensnest @WorkmanPub #giveaway #bookreview […]

  3. […] asap! Everyone else, don’t forget to enter my current giveaways. You could win a really funny Amazing Cows book or one of five personalized photos! These both make a wonderful gift and since […]

  4. […] forget to enter my current giveaways… giveaway 5 winners!(Worldwide) 12/20 Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton giveaway (U.S. & Canada) 12/22 $75 giveaway (U.S. & Canada) […]

  5. […] Amazing Cows by Sandra Boynton (review & giveaway) 12/22/10 […]