Books are the perfect gift! We bought all of our nieces, nephews and both of our children books for Christmas presents this year. They are a timeless gift that the recipient can go back to again and again! National Geographic has some of the nicest books for children and I’d love to share with you The Classic Treasury of Childhood Wonders. Written by Susan H. Magsamen, Childhood Wonders is a dear little book that’s packed full of adventures, stories, poems and songs that children will learn from and enjoy for years to come.
This sturdy hardcover book has a beautiful binding that makes it gift quality. The illustrations, art and photographs in the pages of Childhood Wonders really lend themselves to the imagination and create a wonderful background to the activities within.The book is divided into five different sections that each illuminate a child’s world and interests; Magic and Make-Believe, Outdoor Exploring, Crafts and Construction, Yummy for the Tummy, and Bedtime, Bathtime, and Dreamtime. There is also a two page Skills section for parents and a thorough Resources section with websites and info on where to find out more on each activity included.
Award winning writer, educator and family issues advocate Susan Magsamen begins her book, The Classic Treasury of Childhood Wonders (National Geographic Children’s Books), with this simple yet powerful thought:
“If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.”
Catching your shadow. Daydreaming. Banging pots. Dress-Up. In today’s fast-paced and over-scheduled world of carpools, activity spreadsheets and Nintento DS, simple wonders of childhood — and the special moments between parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and the little ones they love — are often lost. In Childhood Wonders, Susan masterfully blends a vintage design and feel with a collection of activities, poems, nursery rhymes and art that underscores her philosophy on the best ways to encourage learn-through-play experiences and create special memories to last a lifetime.
I love this book, it reminds me of some of the ones I had when I was a child. I enjoy how it combines an image, poem or two, a quote, a story or informational paragraph, and an activity for each subject matter. For example in the Magic and Make-Believe section the first subject is “Anything’s Possible”. It has a poem by Carl Sandburg entitled “All Day Long”, a quote by Lewis Caroll and one by Samuel Johnson, a painting/drawing by Elizabeth Sayles, fun story about how to use your imagination and a page of activities about make believe play that show you how to make a crown and put together the perfect costume for play out of things lying around the house.
All of the activities in the book are free, they are things that you will enjoy doing with your children. The book is designed so that children aged 5 and up can do everything in the book on their own too, so you won’t be continuously asked to help help help with something. There won’t be any frustration about not having the items needed because they are everyday household things like paper and your imagination :) This makes it a wonderful book for all ages. My 10 year old daughter enjoys it very much, as do I!
Buy It:
The Classic Treasury of Childhood Wonders is available for purchase at,, and other online and offline retailers.
Win It Here!
Thanks to National Geographic Children’s Books TWO lucky readers will win their own copy of Childhood Wonders.
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Rules: Follow the directions above! Giveaway open to United States & Canada, 18+ only and ends January 10th, 11:59 est. Winners must reply to email within 48 hours or I will redraw.
I like that they have gift tag and wrapping paper print-offs. :-)
like: the site said FamilyStories is a multimedia resource that celebrates the rich life of family
I like that you can contribute family stories.
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I like the Instant Fun Page! wherein you can download and print like the holiday card, thank you card etc. :)
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I liked the Instant Fun section with directionsto games like slapjack!
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I like how it promotes families and how you can submit your own family stories.
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I liked reading Susan’s Blog. It brought back memories of my childhood that was many moons ago.
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I like their bright card game instructions.