I hate to admit it but I’ve had this VitalWear contraption for a little while now. I was so unsure of what to do with it and no one else was ready for a test drive. That is until Super G. had one of his nasty back pain/hip attacks last week from his sciatic nerve. I dug out the VitalWrap system and I can’t tell you how much I wish that we’d tried it sooner! Hooking up the system was so easy! Super G. used the standard VitalWrap accessory to wrap around his lower hip area positioning the cool pack part of the wrap over the area of pain. He was very surprised to feel almost instant coolness on the area and let me tell you I couldn’t get him off of it! Super G. is in love with this little machine and I am happy that he has a new way to help him take control of his pain. He has yet to try it on his knees but I am sure that will happen soon enough as he often has flare-ups and swelling from some pretty bad meniscus and ligament damage (doc says he’s got the knees of an 80 year old from all that roofing work!)
(info from the site)
Just what is the VitalWrap System?
“VitalWear’s VitalWrap system is a safe, hassle and drug free way to nurse any injury without using bags of frozen peas or hot pads. VitalWear had this struggle in mind when they designed the VitalWrap system, a heating/cooling/compression system that easily straps around any body part delivering immediate relief.”
How does the VitalWrap System work?
“Once the control unit is turned on, cooled or warmed fluid passes through the tubing set to the wrap. As it circulates into the wrap, the fluid either applies heat to warm the treatment area or draws it away for deep cooling. The fluid then flows back into the control unit, where it is re-cooled or re-warmed before cycling back into the wrap.”
How can the VitalWrap System help me?
“The VitalWrap System can be used alone, or as part of a comprehensive pain management strategy created by you and your healthcare provider. The VitalWrap System can be helpful for treating chronic conditions, such as arthritis or back pain, and pain commonly associated with injuries, such as knee and shoulder pain. It is also used to treat pain after surgery or during rehabilitation to relieve pain, discomfort and reduce swelling and inflamation. The versatility of the VitalWrap System means its benefits can be applied to virtually any part of the body.”

When my Mom called a couple days ago to tell me about her foot that’s been bothering her I wondered aloud if the VitalWrap might help? She had just had an X-ray on it and the results won’t be in until next Thursday (why so long??). You can see how much Mom liked relaxing with her crochet while we alternated feet (she said she had to balance them, haha!). Using the VitalWrap Ankle Wrap we did 15 minutes of cold for each foot before supper and she said it really helped them to relax and loosen up a bit. Mom has fibromyalgia and was recently diagnosed with diabetes so she is very interested in the pain management aspects of the VitalWrap. Needless to say Mom and Super G. were ready to battle it out for ownership rights to the VitalWrap! lol! Sorry Mom Super G. wins this one – I have to live with him – BUT you can come over to use it anytime :)
Now that we know how extremely simple it is to use the VitalWear VitalWrap System I can think of many situations we’ll be needing it in. This fall when my daughter complains that her knees hurt after basketball practice I can use the standard wrap to help alleviate her pain! When my shoulder and collar bone start bothering me after a strenuous Jazzercise class (getting old sucks! my very old collarbone break is catching up to me!) using heat with the Shoulder VitalWrap is going to be pure bliss!
All that to say that in the end my review is simple: The VitalWrap system is so much easier and less time consuming than trying to use a cold/hot water bottle or ice packs covered with a dish towel! The thermal wraps stay in place and you don’t have to keep changing a pack every 5 minutes when it cools down or heats up! This is going to get a lot of use in our home!
Buy It! The VitalWrap System is available for purchase from VitalWear.com for $529.99. You can also find VitalWear for sale on Amazon. A host of VitalWrap accessories are also available to target each area of your body.
Talk to your doctor, you may be surprised to hear that the VitalWrap system may be covered by your insurance! When properly prescribed by a physician or qualified healthcare provider, Medicare, workers’ compensation, and many private insurance plans will cover the VitalWrap System.
I've never even heard of this thing? I wonder if would help me with Chronic pain? My arm stays inflamed and sometimes alternating heat and ice help a little bit, cool product!
Oh how cool. Wonder if it works for cramp…I get killer cramps! What a very cool thing though!
Ooooohhhh! I want one for my back!
Interesting! Love that it might be covered by insurance too!
This would be great for my husband's knee. It has been bothering him agian lately.
That sounds great! Everything except the price. LOL… I have fibro as well and now I'm having dreams of relaxing with the Vita-thingy. Very nice review.
This sounds totally awesome! My poor old aching knees could use this right about now…ha ha!
I work in Pennsylvania for a medical equipment distributor. We just started carrying this product. I would be interested in helping those who need this product for their pain management. No pressure, just assistance in getting a VitalWrap
my only request is that if you are having surgery, total knee replacement surgery as i have, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS MACHINE………………it will go from cold to hot with no warning….you cannot put any hot on a surgery site….so you see my hystera over this……..but the worst part is that they assured me it was just something that went wrong and it wouldn’t happen again, got new machine, went to bed last night about 11pm, up at 3 with knee hot as fire…….well needless to say it did happen again…company brought me out a new machine that only does cold……..will see how that goes….sales company MEDEX….WAS THE GREATESS….THEY WORKED WITH US IN EVERY WAY THEY COULD…PLEASE SOMEONE LET THIS MANUFACTURE KNOW THEY NEED TO WORK ON THE COLD TO HOT ASPECT….thanks for listen to me ,Myrna…….PLEASE PRAY THAT MY NEW KNEE HAS NOT BEEN INJURED
I’m thankfull for this info on pain. Thanks you so much. Pain is the scourge of all of us. suffering pain when an alternative is available is poor.
I’ve been searching for a device like this for so long! But it wasn’t availlable in Europe untill a few months ago.
So for the people in Europe, you can purchase the VitalWrap on
Interesting…I wonder if I could use something like this I my knees…I suffer from runner’s knee and it can be quite painful, we’ll see I will ask my doctor (have an appointment next week).