I do have a little bit of news. On Tuesday night we went to an awards ceremony at my son’s school. They have one every year where they recognize students that have achieved honor roll, scholarships, awards etc. Mr.T. was pretty happy to have gotten his first Letter! He had High Honor roll three times this year. What a smarty! We were a little mystified because his vice principal had called last week to ask if T would be attending. Odd. Then during class on Monday his civics teacher asked him if he would be there. Weird. We had planned on going anyway it was just strange that they kept asking him. Image our surprise when Tom was announced as winning a Memorial award! He was shocked! I was too happy to get my camera out the whole time, lol. I thought my Mom was going to make a scene she jumped up and just about started crying. It was very cool. I nudged T to go up and accept his award from the principal and his civics teacher.
The award is in memory of a very well loved teacher that passed away in 1985 from Cancer. Each year since the staff chooses 2 students, one boy and one girl, that they feel deserves it. It is meant to go to students who are hard workers, go about their business without getting involved in all the drama and who are great students that usually do not get recognition for the hard work that they do. This describes my son! He also received a $50 savings bond AND his name will forever be engraved on the plaque in the lobby! He says he is now immortal, lol. It feels so good to see my son proud of himself, he can be very hard on himself. always trying to achieve perfection. I tell him all the time he’s wonderful the way he is and this award really made him feel special. Way to go son!
I finally came to my senses when we got home and made him stand still so I could get a picture. Neither one of noticed his upside down letter til later, Oh well :)
WOOHOO!! Congratulations to your son! It's so nice that kids get recognition for all their hard work.
Congrats to Mr. T! Awesome job!
Congrats to your son! That's quite an accomplishment and an honor.