Since this was a completely new style for Pie I wasn’t sure what she would think. It’s always a good sign when she immediately sits down and reads the book all the way through. She said she loved that there was more than one story in the book and wanted to know if there were any more in the series. Her favorite story was Best of Friends which tells the tale of how Tinker Bell and Rain’s friendship was tested. She liked how they made up and stayed friends.
- Prilla’s Talent – Tinker Bell helps Prilla find her special fairy ability.
- Like the Wind – the story of the fastest-flying fairy of all – Vidia!
- The Sound of Friendship – can Tinker Bell repair a special bell in time for the Big Blue Bell Festival?
True, the book was a quick read for my nine year old, but I know that it is one that she will come back to and read again. I think it’s a great way to introduce a different writing style to your child. It ‘s always nice to mix things up a bit and get them thinking.
Being a Tink fan myself I really enjoyed the book as well. I love the graphic comic book nature of the book and the vivid colors are a big plus. The short stories are heart warming and funny but not too over the top or smooshy. IA great book for any Disney fairy lover young or old! I can’t wait to get the next book, Tinker Bell and the Wings of Rain” which comes out in June 2010.
Released April 13, 2010, Disney Fairies Graphic Novel #1: Prilla’s Talent is recommended for ages 9-12. Each novel in the series is 80 pages long, full-color and available in paperback or hardcover.
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