Three wonderful giveaways ended over the weekend so I’m combining announcements into one quick post.
The 8 winners of Rainbow Brite CD‘s are:
# 11 vhubler
# 7 Donna
# 10 tanya904
# 4 hollowsins
# 5 Katrina
# 1 Jackie
# 3 Sarah Lynne
# 13 Julie
…and because I have an extra one and only 9 people entered
#2 moushka …wins as well :)
The winner of the EcoSMART Safe Home Value Bundle is:
# 18 Terra H.
The winner of the gorgeous Suspended Earth earrings from the Tookie Trinkets Etsy shop is:

Woohoo! and CONGRATS to all of you on winning :) I will be contacting you shortly to confirm mailing info! Don’t fret if you didn’t win this time, I have plenty more giveaways coming up!
So glad I won the EcoSmart bundle. It'll be great to have at the campground.