The tutorial! That is another very nice feature of the game. The beginning starts with a thorough tutorial that teaches you how to duel, talk, obtain quests and so on, I loved that my 9 year old daughter could play without asking me how to do something every second. The tutorial, tips and in game menus are extremely well laid out and straight forward, yet they remain interesting to older players as well. Another very useful and must have feature for any game I allow the kids to play is Parental Controls. Wizard101 has got that covered nicely with a kid-safe Menu Chat full of pre-selected emotions, greetings and phrases, pre-generated player names for anonymity, password protected settings for parents and moderated player message boards.
I finally got my Xbox-shooter-style-game-snob teen to try it out today and since he was on it from 6:30 am to almost noon, I can confidently say he likes it! He and his sister took turns playing all day today which is why I couldn’t get on to write out my review until this evening!
The ONLY gripe I have with the game is a minor one, the pre-generated names, I really wish that the selection could be a bit more extensive. Most of the first names to choose from are dull and “normal”. We wished for more fantastical and magical names to be included for our brave wizards in training! Perhaps this is something that will be in the works at a later date, if not it’s a small complaint that takes nothing from the game itself.
I would say that the award winning Wizard101 is the best wizard game I’ve found for my children and I to play online together. I know we’ll enjoy competing with and helping each other for a long time! Why not try it yourself? Sign up for your free account, download Wizard101 and you’ll get a special in game surprise!
Game Synopsis from site:
KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc.’s Wizard101 is an online, multiplayer, Wizard school adventure game with collectible card magic, wizard duels, and far off worlds! The game allows players to create a student Wizard in an attempt to save Wizard City and explore many different worlds.
Wizard101 is Free to Play! Wizards can complete Wizard City and explore far off worlds with a Subscription or individual areas can be unlocked forever with “Pay-by-Area”.
Win It!
Two lucky readers will each win 5000 Wizard101 Crowns (a $10 value), which can be used to buy areas of the game or buy special/gear equipment in-game. You can learn more about Crowns here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/buy!
Visit the awesome Game Review Network for a chance to win more wizard crowns to use in the game.
How to Enter: (mandatory)
Visit Wizard101 then come back here and leave me a comment telling me why you want to win and who will play the game.
Extra Entries: (optional)
Please leave a new comment, with links if applicable, for each extra entry to be counted.
- Follow me with Blogger Friend Connect
- Become a Facebook fan (right sidebar)
- Follow @ahensnest & @Wizard101 on Twitter & tweet this giveaway (daily tweet!)
Use this tweet if you like: Help save Wizard City! Win 5000 crowns to duel your way through @Wizard101. (2 winners) #giveaway @ahensnest http://bit.ly/9VRFVN
- Subscribe (and confirm) to my blog via reader/email (right sidebar)
- Submit my giveaway to another giveaway linky or site (leave link)
- Add my button to your sidebar
Follow the directions above! Giveaway open Worldwide and ends March 8th, 11:59 est. Winner chosen by Random.org and must reply to email within 48 hours or I will redraw.
FTC compliant disclosure: As a member of the Game Review Network I was given the opportunity to review this game via a free trial account for the sole purpose of providing my candid and honest opinion. All opinions are my own, yours may vary. No other compensation was received. Please see my full disclosure and giveaway info here
I love wizard101 and i want to win so that i may have a full experience of enjoying this game and I will of course play!
oops my email is Aeros616@gmail.com
I follow your blog i am Lambertina Place
I am a fan on facebook Kevin Li
I follow both wizard101 and ahensnest
Link to my tweet
Hi, I am Matthew White, and I love to play Wizard101 for its simplicity to figure out but its challenge to master. Everyone in my family who plays the game plays on my file (because I bought crowns) so these 5000 crowns would go to all of us (there are three of us who play). My email is KJGrenadier@gmail.com Thanks so much for this offer, and good luck to all!
Our entire family got into Wizard 101 over Christmas break. I'm a level 48 Life Wizard!
I love playing Wizard 101 – it's really fun and easy enough for a furry orange puppet (Fabricated American) to play! Those 5,000 crowns would be great to win because they'll help me get better gear and a mount once I hit a high enough level!
And I have followed you on Blogger and on Twitter, and posted your wonderful contest to my blog here:
I am glad you enjoy the game, see you in The Spiral
I'm officially addicted to Wizard101 and would love to win some crowns! lol Good thing I have a toddler who isn't interested in playing yet, or I would have some competition. She did sit in my lap and watch me duel last night, though… oh dear!
Thanks for the giveaway, and great review!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
Following via Friend Connect!
Aside from being a fantastic game with a wonderful community surrounding it, Wizard 101 is one of the few games I can play with my daughter and we both have a great time.
I love Wizard101, it's fun and easy going for the begining gamer. I may be 19 yrs old, I gotta say it's a great game for everyone!
Facebook: Im Dancho Atanasov
Im level 19 in Wizard101 and Im not member and my parents doesnt have credit card and all of my friends dont want to make me a member. If I win it will be the best day of my life!!!
I love the big boss drops, I like to collect unique items, clothes, statues, pets. I want to will because I can buy certain unique items with crowns and my kids would also enjoyed them………if I practice what I preach and share with them..lol
and the site http://www.cpcoolblog.bg
my e-mail is dan4o_nikolov379@abv.bg
I'd love wizard101! I'd like to win so I can spend some crowns on those new wands and mounts they just added. Also so I can get some gifts for my friends. My whole family plays the game! We love it!
Hi my name is Jim and I love wizard101. I play with my brother and it is really fun. I am a crown buyer so the 5000crowns would be really helpful.I am a storm/life and level25. My email is lee.naruto.naruto6@gmail.com thnks if you chose me.
Hi my name is Jason, and i would love to be able to win 5,ooo crowns for the game. There is a vairty that can be done with those crowns! I will be given the crowns to my little brother who will be so delited to get crowns from you he probably spend it on cool crown gear and he will know who to Thank for, You. :)
I love wizard101 and i want to win so that i may have a full experience of enjoying this game and I will of course play!
Hi my name is elaona and i love wizard 101. I LOVE HOW IT challenges your mind like which card should you use or which one makes the most damage. I want to meet new worlds and get new items every time. Having 5000 crowns would be awsome and to be able to get out of mylvl 9 stage. If you give the crowns to me i will only use it for quests and not clothes or pets. THanks!!
my email is chasewerty190@yahoo.com-elaona
please pick ME!
My email is Soccerz526@gmail.com
I think i deserve the 5000 crowns because i'm a lvl 50 on it. I play it every day for at least 5 hours. I LOVE WIZARD!)! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. I bought a subscription and had it for who knows how long. I played the game ever since it got made. And plus i think wizard101 should get so much compliments about how great the game is and how it brings people together, to battle, hang out, or just do whatever they want. And plus i have beated Malistare ten times yes i saved the spiral ten times :). LONG LIVE WIZARD101
hi this is chris dreamfist magus sorcerer. I think i deserve 5000 crowns because all my other friends are in mooshu and dragonspyre. I cant get to them and feel alone :[
I cant finish big ben either because i ran out of crowns. Wizard 101 is my favorite game !!!!
My email is:
i am a hugh wizard101 fan and if i could win crowns i would buy a mount with them cause i really want one my wizards name is cody stongbreeze and im a level 20 i really really really hope i can win oh and my email is
This game is truly incredible and fun for all ages and I myself love it and so does the rest of my family. See you in the Spiral ;)
Wizard101 is a great game that anyone would enjoy, especially tweens because they are old enough to understand the humor but are still young enough to be entertained by magic. Because I am relatively new to Wizard101, I would like to earn the crowns to discover even more of the game. I believe that this giveaway would be an excellent opportunity for me to become more involved in Wizard101 and explore areas beyond the reach of free trial.
Email is:
While developing Wizard101, we realized the style and content of the game would appeal to all ages.
Hi, My Wizard is Neela Night. She has gotten to level 15 without any crowns, so she is a hard worker. I have so many unfinished quest I want to do, so 5,000 crowns would be nice.
My email is AugustaMDawn@yahoo.com
Hi, I would love having 5000 crowns so I could buy some matching outfits and visit the seamstress.
My email: email2chaos@yahoo.com
Good luck and best wishes to all :D
my email has been down for the last three to four days (you can confirm this by checking the hotmail support section)
who won? if i did i willl have no clue :[
can you plz post the winners?
thanks :]
the above comment was published by me sorry i messed up on the id thing
best of luck to everyone
Thanks for such a detailed, awesome review!
I'm giving away Crowns to six winners on Game Review Network.
Hi im Makayla and i really want to win the 5000 crowns for Wizard101 because i want to experienxe the full story gameplay from a simple student to leveled up grandmaster! Its just so amazing how could you not love it!? It has extensive quests, battle monsters, pets, play and chat with friends,and game level ups and your own house castles and teacher and so much more! Im 12 and im KaylaGoldheart, death wizard only level 20 for a non-subsrciber. I sadly admit im completely hooked and addicted i play it all the time,Wizard101 is the place i go to that is my escape away from reality and be yourself world, your just so immersed and cant stop. Lol and all my sisters play it my 4,5,and 10 year old sisters all the time. We are so hooked we use sticks and twigs and battle each other and my little sisters would say oh. man i fizzled. We are all going to help each other and stick together to take down those evil creatures and save wizard city like the three musketeers. My parents are so into it too. We laugh each others heads off battling together or on pvp. Its just so amazing and we would all greatly appreciate it if we could have the crowns to proceed. Thank you! :)
i want to win this for i good reason so i can just have fun and unlock places because i suck so much i am a lvl 9 this is true (not saying this just to win)