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Today’s topic is “6 of the worst films you’ve ever watched.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
We do watch a lot of movies although not so much lately. I can usually find something good abut a movie and have watched some really dumb ones in my lifetime! I’m just going to think of a few of the dumbest right off the top of my head. Here goes…
1. Good Burger – I hate this movie… hate it. “I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. ‘Cause we’re all dudes. “
2. Dude, Where’s my Car – Dude, really? “we’re on the hook for two hundred thousand dollars to a transsexual stripper, and my car’s gone. I’d say we were pretty wasted.”
3. Freddy Got Fingered – Here’s another one of those Why in the name of all that is good did we watch this movie! I have no idea why, it was before we had cable when we were first together and all we did was watch movies. Seriously, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I don’t like this movie. It should burn in Hell.
4. IT – I know I Know so many people like this movie , you have to understand that I vey much dislike clowns. ICK! YUCK! I don’t like them at all! Which is why I really love this commercial, it’s bad of me but I laugh out loud when I see it :) Clowns are Evil dude! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsvAj6qfmFQ
5. The Pink Panther – This one was not good and we were so disappointed! I love the Pink Panther and remember watching the cartoon all the time when I was little. I think this was the worst Steve Martin movie I’ve ever seen (besides The Man With Two Brains of course!)
6. Elf – I like Will Ferrell but I think this movie is strangely disturbing to me. I don’t know why but I just don’t like it. Will give me the creeps in it!
After making this list I realize it’s probably my own dumb fault that I watched all of these dumb movies. I mean why did I even watch them in the first place?
Dude wheres my Car? y goodness I could not believe I watched that…Good list..
Goodburger and Dude, Where's my car got on my nerves! So stupid!
Great list! I loved the book "It" – I barely remember watching the movie.
I had "Dude, Where's my Car", on my list too. That was a complete dud.
I'm going to have to agree with The Pink Panther. Absolutely horrid! I'm not a fan of Will Ferrell, but actually liked him in Elf. The dumbest movie I've seen recently is Jennifer's Body.
I think one of Will's funniest movies is Superstar, lol dumb but funny. I haven't heard of Jennifer's Body, I'll have to steer clear of it though! Thanks for stopping by!
Yes Dude was a dud for sure!!