6. One pair of shoes. Or at least one pair of shoes in addition to the ones you wear on the plane, which should be the bulkier ones. I also include a pair of flip-flops. In the summer, women are the lucky ones because they can wear sandals and look quite elegant. But make sure whatever shoes you take are comfortable. Don’t take anything new.
7. Pack carefully. It’s important that your stuff fit into the bag. I usually roll 3 or 4 shirts together in a very tight roll to keep them from wrinkling so badly. Put socks and small things inside of shoes. Put heavier clothing like jeans and shoes on the bottom, and then fill in around them. Use all the hidden pockets in your suitcase. Throw in a travel size bottle Frankel ofwrinkle releaser, which I find works wonders.
8. Plan on doing a bit of laundry. It’s cheaper to do a load of laundry along the way, or even have your hotel clean 3 or 4 pieces of clothing, than to pay $40 to check a suit-case round-trip. You can wash stuff out in the sink for free, and most items will dry overnight if you wash them out before going to bed.
9. Don’t take the extras. If you are not going to a place where you expect to be cold, then don’t take a jacket. Don’t bother with back-ups of anything. If you get your clothing dirty, then do a bit of washing up. In the rare even that you need something unusual, an umbrella in Arizona, a warm jacket in Florida, dress-up outfits for a trip to Yellowstone, that’s what outlet malls are for.
10. Leave some of the electronics at home. One thing that weighs a lot of people down these days is all the extra electronic gear that they may be tempted to bring. While no one would hesitate to bring a cell phone or ipod, do you really need a laptop? Plan ahead.
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Happy Friday Follow – Rita @ http://one2try.blogspot.com/
As a frequent traveler, I recognize those as great trips. One other thing I recommend is to either buy a duffel at your destination or make sure you leave enough room in your suitcase for the way home. You don't want to be caught with no room to get the souveniers home! If you are traveling domestically, it may be worth stopping off at the post office and mailing them home.