Pie & Mr.T. successfully built a gingerbread house this weekend! This is a big step up from the gingerbread house disaster of last year! lol
Of course the funnest part is eating the leftover icing! They thoroughly enjoyed every last lick they could squeeze out of that bag! I’ve got to say that that gingerbread house smells DELICIOUS! It’s right behind me on the table and I’ve been smelling it all day! Do you think anyone would notice if I bit off a corner of the roof??? Hmmmm
I realize that my camera skills are still sadly lacking! I really need to get out my manual and learn to take better pics! The lighting in our house just doesn’t like the camera! Okay, that’s an excuse, it’s probably just me, not the lighting!
Looks like youall had a great time. Go ahead and pull a Hansel and Gretl and take a bite. Just make sure the witch isn't anywhere near by. Merry Christmas
I love it!! I buy a get (50-80% off) at the end of Christmas. . .We don't eat the house, so it works well. Merry Christmas!!
That looks like so much fun!! Why would you make one totally from scratch when they have these great kits!
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
What do you mean leftover icing? We never had any! ;)
It looks like your children had a wonderful time! We won't have had extra icing.
Wow, they did a super job!
Looks like they're having fun!
I have never made a ginger bread house. Kit or not, it looks fun.
I remember I made a gingerbread house from scratch at school in 1 or 2nd grade! We used Graham Crackers and frosting as the “glue!” It was so fun! :D And delicious! (:
Ooh, I like that idea! they would be so cute, we may have to try that this year!