Why I love reading the old-fashioned way – Guest Post by Katherine Swarts

They predicted a “paperless society” for the Internet age. Like space colonies and household droids (both once expected to be commonplace by 2009), it’s been slow to happen.

I’m in no hurry for it.

Nothing personal against the electronic world; to read the daily news, I’ll gladly go online rather than juggle floppy, smudgy newspaper pages. But when it comes to books, I wouldn’t give up hard copy even in exchange for twenty years of free Internet access.

After all, paper books are:

  • Easier on the eyes. Even with yellow letters on black screens gladly relegated to yesteryear, the glow from computer monitors still causes eyestrain faster than plain ink on paper.
  • Portable. No hard-copy book makes you sit upright in the same chair for hours. You can take a book to the dinner table, or outdoors to enjoy a nice day, without unplugging and reconnecting anything. And what full-size computer, even a laptop, ever was comfortable for the time-honored tradition of reading in bed?
  • Surprisingly durable. Sure, paper yellows with age, rips, and hates getting wet—but even a book dropped in a puddle is often salvageable (or replaceable) without an expensive trip to the repair shop. Books can be tossed on a table without their internal components shattering. And even cheap paper is good for twenty or thirty years, more than most electronic alternatives have yet proven themselves for.
  • Free of technical difficulties. Any five-year-old can figure out—without a Help site—how to “work” a traditional book. And the connection never goes dead.
  • Low-cost in more ways than one. A book rarely adds much to the electric bill or needs memory cards replaced.

And have you ever heard anyone say, “I think I’ll go curl up with a good Web site”?


Katherine Swarts is the founder of Spread the Word. She has been a professional writer for over ten years—and a voracious reader for as long as she can remember. She has a master’s degree in written communications from Wheaton College (IL), and has published over 100 articles. You can visit Katherine’s personal blog, New Songs from the Heart, for Christian writings and inspirational poetry.

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Book Photo Credit: CC-licensed by Flickr user guldfisken

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1
    Business Cards Printing says

    I love the old-fashioned way of reading also because books are really portable. I really like turning the pages, it really makes you feel like you're reading.

  2. 2
    JDaniel4's Mom says

    I totally agree. I love to curl up with a great book once JDaniel is down for the night.

  3. 3

    I fully agree. I am much happier seeing all the beautiful books on my bookshelf then seeing a list that is downloaded on a computer or Kindle. I love that I can also share a good read with friends and family. One thing…I do like to listen to books on CD too. That gives me the joy of a good book on the road. :)

    Great post! :)

  4. 4

    Yep, I agree too! I love reading and often fall asleep at night with a book in my hand :)Thanks Katherine for sharing your passion with us!

  5. 5
    Katherine Swarts says

    Thanks for the comments, all! You've added two new items to my "advantages of books" list: they rarely cause repetitive strain injury and (I hadn't thought of this one) they have high visual appeal. People _do_ judge books by their covers.

I ♥ your comments
