The answer – Nope, not a flinch, hesitation or question about any taste or texture difference whatsoever! I just ate a bowl of the Froot Loops with fiber for my evening snack (I know, bad habit) and I agree with the family, no difference! That’s good news for my picky eaters, they’re all happy that the cereal really does taste the same as it always has! I’m happy to have that extra boost of fiber in their mornings. I also noticed on both boxes that the cereals have 9 grams of whole wheat, love that too!
Both Apple Jacks and Froot Loops now have 3 grams of fiber per serving! They also include nutritious ingredients such as whole-grain corn flour, whole-grain oat flour, oat fiber and soluble corn fiber. Kellogg Company will be extending added fiber benefits to other cereal lines over the next year so be on the look out for them!
We’ve definitely been trying to up our fiber intake over the past few months. The health benefits of a fiber rich diet, such as longer lasting energy and better digestive health, make it worthwhile to actively seek out foods with fiber and keep track of how much you’re getting on a daily basis. It doesn’t hurt that it’s said to be great for weight loss either, fiber helps you feel full longer! Love that! Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 Americans (both children & adults!) aren’t getting their daily fiber recommendations!
Visit http://www.kelloggsnutrition.com for more fun fiber and nutrition facts, tips, coupons and print ables to help track your fiber intake.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the blog tour but while I was on the Kellogg’s site I noticed the company history link. I love the old advertisements in the gallery. If you like that sort of thing they are really neat and date back to the early 1900’s!
* I wrote this honest review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Kellogg’s and received boxes of Froot Loops and Apple Jacks and a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.*
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