I found something strange today! I went to IE to check and make sure the menu bar was centered the way it is in Firefox, in IE my blog images/text/links all appear darker! Is this just me? Or is it the browsers? Now I’m wondering just what everyone sees when they visit! I kind of like the way it looks in IE, it looks crisper! Just so you can see what I’m talking about here are the screenshots.
I need to know! What do you see?
Not sure what you mean..
the navi bar when you hover changes from white to blue.
The colors are perfect. I say that because on some Blogs they are awful and I gave a hard time even reading the print!
LOOKS Beautiful!
Good work!
I use Google Chrome and the top menu bar is centered. I opened both your screen caps and compared the two Google Chrome is more like the IE capture, the hen in the banner is dark like your IE screen cap.
Hope that helps!
the colors are a little different but both look great.
I use IE and it is a little darker, but I think it makes the details a little more defined.
Looks good! Heather G.
Hey, I like your blog a lot!! I follow you through Networked Blogs. i added both your buttons to my "Blog Love" section on my blog, http://luvmyparrot.blogspot.com