Look what I found in my inbox today; this lovely button is an award given to me by 2 wonderful bloggers! Heather at My Red Apron & Faye at Green Organic Mama! Thanks! You ladies ROCK! I’m actually going to do this one, I feel guilted into it since I cheated on the two earlier ones! LOL!
Here are the rules for the Over the Top Award:
Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s quite tricky to use only one-word answers! Once you have filled it out be sure to pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers. Alert them that they have been awarded! Have fun!
I am horrid at thinking up original answers to these, but here goes!1. Where is your cell phone? Hallway
2. Your hair? Ironed
3. Your mother? Moving :(
4. Your father? Remembered
5. Your favorite food? Dessert
6. Your dream last night? Missing
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Farm
9. What room are you in? Kitchen
10. Your hobby? Crocheting
11. Your fear? Illness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13. Where were you last night? Insomniac
14. Something that you aren’t? Singer
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. Wish list item? House
17. Where did you grow up? Pennsylvania
18. Last thing you did? Story
19. What are you wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV? Projection
21. Your pets? Overrunning
22. Friends? Funny
23. Your life? Hopeful
24. Your mood? Wistful
25. Missing someone? Dad
26. Vehicle? Exploder
27. Something you’re not wearing? SOCKS
28. Your favorite store? Kohl’s
29. Your favorite color? Green
30. When was the last time you laughed? 7:30pm
31. Last time you cried? Movie
32. Your best friend? Cousin
33. One place that I go to over and over? Jazzercise
34. One person who emails me regularly? Mom
35. Favorite place to eat? Out
Yes! I did it!
Ugh, now the hard part. I’m going to do this quick because if I don’t I’ll just end up obsessing over it. I mean have you looked at my follow list? Seriously, it’s really insane! I love almost everyone I come across!
- Pixie13 @ Just Contest Stuff (my sis! I love what she’s doing with all those giveaway lists – She’s the queen of lists, there I said it, so pppbbbttt!)
- Amanda @ Amanda’s Fun Stuff ( my best cousin always! She is one talented lady and I’m proud of her for learning this blogging thing I’ve forced her into :)
- gaelika @ Gaelikaa’s Diary & Gaelikaa (I love reading about her life in India, so very interesting!)
- Leslie @ Leslie Loves Veggies (I so love Leslie! and veggies even though I’m not a vegetarian, she makes me want to be though!)
- Audrey @ Audrey’s Country Crafts (Her site is beautiful, I love all of the fun things she finds to write about!)
- Mannequin @ Fractured Toy (Besides the fact that I love her blog and profile names, she is FUhnEE! I find myself shaking my head in agreement while reading her blog! Waxed paper baggies!! Yes!)
Rules were meant to be broken so feel free to take your award and run ladies :)
I could really go on and on but who has the time? Not me, it’s 1:30 am and I suppose I should go to bed. My poor Super G. thinks I’m a zombie or somethin’.
Thanks, sis! Will at least get the draft started, but is late! I must head of to bed soon myself.
Thanks so much for the award!! Will post it next week and let you know when it's up!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you dear Henrietta! I accept with pleasure and will post on it very soon! Hugs!
You Rock Henrietta!!
HUGS to you because I love you back! I just think you have the neatest Blog ever and you have a heart of gold and a spirit that matches!