I am receiving a free 18×24 poster print as well. I haven’t quite decided which photo I would like to have printed, it’s a toss up between these two. How the heck am I supposed to chose! I may try making a collage of sorts with both Mr.T. and Pie so that I don’t have to chose between them. That could be interesting!

Win It! DigitalRoom.com is sponsoring a great giveaway on A Hen’s Nest! One reader will win a free 18×24 rolled poster print (Includes Free UPS Ground Shipping for U.S. residents)! This prize will be in the form of a coupon code.
Visit DigitalRoom.com and then leave me a comment telling how you’ll use your free Poster Print if you win!
(this step is mandatory & to be completed before using any extra entries! Follow this rule to avoid having entries deleted! Make sure to either leave your email with your comments or that it is visible on your profile. You do not have to have a blog to enter, only an email address!)Extra Entries:
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Use this tweet if you like: RT :18×24 Poster Print #giveaway from @uprinting at A Hen’s Nest. ends 9/27
Subscribe to my blog feed for 1 extra entry.Add my blog to your Technorati faves for 1 extra entry.Blog about this giveaway with a link back here and to DigitalRoom.com for 2 extra entries.Grab my blog button and leave link as to where it’s at for 1 extra entry.
The Giveaway is open only to U.S. residents and will run until Sept 27th, 11:59 est. I will choose the winner using Random.org. Winner will be posted here as well as receive an email and tweet if applicable! Winner must contact me with their mailing address within 48 hours to claim prize.
I would definitely use this as a gift for my husband. He's got a bunch of fishing photos he'd love to have enlarged!
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I follow on Twitter @couponlover16.
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I'd like to use it for a Christmas print or use one of my flower photos I've recently taken! ladyhightower@live.com
I follow on Friend Connect. ladyhightower@live.com
Follow on twitter. LADYHIGHTOWER
Tweet. http://twitter.com/LADYHIGHTOWER/status/4095870150
I subscribe to blog feed. ladyhightower@live.com
Button. Rt sidebar in marquee scroll. psychicmamaindigochild.blogspot.com
I'd use it in my son's new room!
blog follower
twitter follower- kgail11
would use in husbands office
I would use this for a picture of one of my sons drawings
blogger friend follower
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email subscriber
I would use this to enlarge a picture of my two grandaughters holding their new baby brother birdson@roadrunner.com
email subscriber birdson@roadrunner.com
I'm looking to move to a new place soon. So I would find a nice pic that I could decorate a room with.
My husband and I just had our first baby and I would LOVE to get a poster print of her to hang above our fireplace…it would definitely add to the homeyness of the apartment!
PS Thank you for including text to retweet!
We have some great pics from our Mexican vacation – probably one from Tulum.
Following on twitter as ky2here.
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I would have a beautiful picture of my 3 kids enlarged. It was taken over the summer up in the mountains. Just a great memory.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
have a beautiful photo of a morning glory I'd use
follow via google friends connect
I follow you through Google Friends Connect birdson@roadrunner.com
I would enlarge a picture of my lil sister jssk13@roadrunner.com
I would enlarge a picture of my 4 dogs vantagepointe@live.com
I'd use a favorite picture from my recent trip to Japan, maybe of Tokyo Tower. Hanging it in our family room so everyone could enjoy it.
I would use a photo I took of my God-daughter in her flower girl dress and mother's veil.
I would print a picture of my kids going down a slide together and put it up in my office.
I follow your blog
I follow you on twitter as kmayans
I tweeted http://twitter.com/kmayans/statuses/4404369375
I added you to my technorati faves as degood
Would use it over the fireplace area , of my sons pic.skyxsky27[at]gmail.com
I'd print one of our wedding photos and send it to my mother-in-law in England as a gift!
I'm a google friend!
Thanks for the great giveaway :)
i would have the picture of my son and daughter giving each other a hug on the beach. they are so free in the picture and it is my favorite. It is also one of the few times that they are not trying to fuss with each other.
I would do the one of my daughter in front of the DIsneyland Castle! Thanks for the chance.
I would blow up one of my nature prints to put in our living room.
blog follower
twitter follower soluckyducky
I'd use this in my sons room. Thanks for the chance.
mightynaynay at cs dot com
My inlaws live in Brazil and so they miss seeing their 5 year old granddaughter very much. If I won this poster print, I would create a digital photo collage using photos of our daughter and then ship it to them for their Christmas gift. In Brazil, a lot of what they can print is limited due to antiquated equipment and the the level of expense involved, so they would absolutely love this very unique gift!
sign me up
sign me up
I want to have poster made for my son & his fiancee for their Christmas present.
I would use one of our family photos and put it up in our family room. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would use it to print a picture to hang over the bed in my guest bedroom.