We were lucky enough to receive a Trix Swirls Creative Kid gift basket to review from MyBlogSpark. Wow! I’m sure glad we had this chance! New Trix Swirls have a colorful mix of fruity flavors: lemony green, berry berry blue, and rasporangey orange, Yum! My personal fave is the lemony green! I usually go for cereals with more flakes, nuts and fruits, but I had 3 large bowls of this Trix cereal! It was so good, the puffs have just the right crunch, there was absolutely NO sugary or artificial aftertaste! I can feel good about letting my kids eat them since they are a good source of Calcium (100 mg) & Vitamin D (40 IU)! With 120 calories (only 10 from fat) and 0g of Saturated & Trans Fat, they are a healthy choice for breakfast or snack!
Sadly, the box didn’t last long! They’re on next week’s grocery list and I can’t wait to enjoy them again!
Win it!
MyBlogSpark has offered to give 2 of A Hen’s Nest‘s readers a
Trix Swirls Creative Kid Gift Basket!
Included in the basket is a free box of Limited Edition Trix Swirls, a colorful apron, watercolor pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, a large sketchbook and a Trix art supply box! We’ve had a lot of fun with these items, even my 13 y.o. son enjoyed painting a few pictures with his sister and I!
How to Enter!
Leave me a creative comment about how you and/or your children believe Trix Swirls got swirled together! (this step is mandatory & to be completed before using any extra entries! Follow this rule to avoid having entries deleted! Make sure to either leave your email with your comments or that it is visible on your profile. You do not have to have a blog to enter, only an email address!)
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- Blog about this giveaway for 3 extra entries! Leave a link to your post in comments.
I received a Trix Swirls Creative Gift Basket, as described above, from MyBlogSpark so that I could offer my own opinion for this post.
My kids think that the colors were playing ring-around-the-rosy and got stuck.
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my daughters thinks that her big brother entered the room and the tornado that always seems to follow him mixed the colors
they went through a rainbow
They were having fun playing and after going around in circles alot they got all swirled together.
I came by (late, that's sort of my thing) from SITS Welcomistas to.. well.. welcome ya to SITS (did I say well enough there?). And lookie what I found! My kids (all four of them plus dad #5) LOVE Trix. So I posed the question to them… #1 (15 year old boy) says "it's a marketing ploy, duh" (cynic!), #2 (10 year old girl) says "It was the crazy rabbit trying to hide the Trix from the kids" (not bad!) #3 (4 year old boy) says "They stayed in milk too long" (eew) and #4 (3 year old girls) says "it was painting them" (not sure who "it" was, but hey that works).
SOOO Welcome to SITS! Stop by my blog you're my kind of peeps! And thanks for the give away!
My son Tommy think two TRIX workers banged into each other in the hallway when they were carrying different flavors, and they got swirled together that way.
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ok the kids say funny and gross things but am gonna say one of the not grosser things- daddy rabbit washed darks and lights being lazy and not spearating items
My kids believe they were painted that way!
My daughter told me once they put them in a blender. LOL. Thanks for the chance.
My son thinks they were smooshed together like Play Doh!
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Alison thinks they jumped into the pool together and did the hokey pokey.
We believe an elephant sprayed them
My 4 year olf thinks they got swirled because our 2 year old got his hands on it and mushed it (or ruined it LOL)
tornado mverno@roadrunner.com
My daughter thinks the swirls were made by hybrid fruit trees!
answer: the colors were put in a blender
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Lil Miss M believes all the Sticks were just hanging out minding their own business… When it happened.. a Tornado came and picked them up causing them to swirl together.
Thanks for the chance
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My grandson said the evil wizard was mad because everyone loves Trix and he put a spell on them to make them all swirled. And guess what! We still love Trix. So go away evil wizard. Thank you!
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My kids and I think they were created when there was no more milk in the fridge and we had to use orange juice on our Trix. When the orange juice hit the Trix, it was a color explosion!! lol! Thank you for the fun contest!
I believe the Trix Swirls were swirled together using alien technology. Well that's what the little green men told me.
They were running away from the Silly Rabbit and crashed into each other! Thanks for the contest!
mattie thinks that 2 of the guys pushing the barrels bumped into each other
I love it – it reminds me of swirl art, like at carnivals – so cute!
this is my favorite cereal
Ok what we believe happened was there was a terrible wind storm like the one in Kansas and the wiz of oz. The wind began to shift and ,shift and things began to mix and suddendenly you end up with all different cereal colors.
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My daughter says, you smoosh fruit and flour together and bake it in the oven. Then you carve it with toothpicks.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
THey got together when a rainbow exploded
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My son tells me that they swirl each one individually with a toothpick, just like when we make homemade crayons!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I personally believe they tied jars of paint to kids who had just consumed large amounts of sugar! hahaha
clarissa at digitaldeacons dot com
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They were running fast and hit each other.
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My daughter thinks the rabbit spilled the batters together while baking the Trix!
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The crayon box spilled out in the sun and all the crayons melted
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The various colors were playing Ring-Around-The – Rosy and went so fast that the colors swirled!
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My son thinks that 2 rainbows ran into each other and fell apart.
hebert024 at aol dot com
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They were dancing at a rock concert and were getting bumped around and fell into cereal dust and when they got put back together the colors were all mixed
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The were made from a leprecaun from the colors of the rainbow and slid down into the pot of gold.
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The Trix rabbit twirled them with his ears.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
I think that kids being kids, have put the Trix in their pockets! Mom being a mom, is always in a rush and did not check the pockets when doing the laundry and, oops, in the dryer they went and when they came out….SURPRISE!!! All Tristed up!!!
We think the colors got caught up in a really BIG wind storm swirled together.
8/4 tweet
My daughter said that they couldnt decide what flavor they like best so just poured them all together.
Thank you for the chance
I think they got mixed up in the wash. They think that a rainbow fell out of the sky and created giant colorful puddles of water that got splashed around.
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They went on a FL vacation and the FL sun melted them all together.
My son said that they went through the washing machine with daddy's colored clothes. Long story!!!
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I am a follower now. My little boy said that they dripped colors together in a bowl to get those cool colors. This is a neat giveaway!
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Now sure how this swirl happened. But, I know my nephew in Michigan would love it!
Hey! Take a moment to enter my giveaways:
1) Rebinder Back To School Kit ($45 value)
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Cool giveaway!! my godson said that a tornado came and swirled them together haha
Thanks for the chance to win!
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This is exactly what they sad: A tornado wanted to "beat up" a rainbow but hugged it in stead making Trix fall from the sky. CUTE!
We LOVE Trix Swirls! My older boys(6 & 8) think that the baby got into the mix and mixed it all up! 'Cause that's what happens at our house. Thanks for the giveaway!
likes2bchef (at) gmail (dot) com
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The colors reminded them of Spin Art – they thought the cereal jumped into a Spin Art machine and got swirled.
My kids thought of the Easter bunny and coloring eggs.
They were floating around in the milky way where they collided..
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My kids say they collided in midair during a food fight.
My kids think that the rabbit was cooking in the dark, grabbed some stuffed, stirred them up then he cooked them in the oven.
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A fairy waved her wand over the box. jelly15301@gmail.com
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Thank you for the giveaway.
We think they were jumping on the trampoline and bounced into eachother!
I think the Twix got swirled because the silly rabbit got tipsy while coloring the Trix. :o) momof2boyswife of1@gmail.com
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We think they were playing one day and ran into each other.
My kids think the rabbit broke the cereal machine and all the colors were mixed together.
I think the colors ran in circles so fast that they swirled together.
Thank you
8/9 tweet
The cereal balls danced with the colors and got mixed up and stayed that way.
my son says they put the colors in the bowl&adds cereal and swirls
They were squished together up thru the ground.
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Two colors fell in love…got married…and had babies!
My kids said they were shot out of a rocket ship and swirled together in space and then fell back to earth!
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"The Rabbit spilled all of the colors and that's how they got swirled!"
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
There was a big ball of colors in the sky and then a giant boom happened and all the colors got mixed up and fell to earth.
Thanks so much!
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Thanks so much!
I would say they were dancing together until their colors ran together.
The colors were riding their bicycles and crashed into each other.
They rained down from the sky & mixed together on the way down.
The kids think they were playing outside on a hot day and they melted and swirled together.
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My sons have a million ideas on how they got swirled together. One is that a factory worker was eating ice cream with swirls on day and accidentally spilled the sprinkles into the big machine making Trix causing all the swirls. Thanks!
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Wee Man thinks they put them in a huge art swirl machine… add the colors and then out pops the swirled trix…
My son says a magical boy didn't want just one color, so he swirled them in his bowl and all of the cereal swirled together!
8/10 tweet
the rabbit had them in his backpack and when he was hopping they got mixed together
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My daughter says they went swimming and their colors all "melted" together :-)
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My daughter thinks they were hugging and it was too hot outside so they melted together!
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Ian thinks they ka-blammed together and pffft there you have it
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My daughter thinks they was trying to make a new color and messed it up.
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ok..i will use my Kolby's imagination here..and he does have one..lol..
Bunny came down here to visit(hot and humid south alabama) and it was so hot they decided to go the the creek to swim.Bunny jumped in so fast that he forgot to take trix out of his backpack and they got soaked!When they got out he laid them out to dry and they were rainbow swirls ''cuz'' all the colors melted together… ;) pretty good for a 4 year old..
We think they got swirled together when the color mixing machine malfunctioned
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Win a Twix Swirl Creative Kid Gift Basket! ends 8/10 @ahensnest http://bit.ly/4NnXt PLS RT!
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My kids think these got swirled in a tornado.
We think the Trix were on a teeter-toter and got to going to fast and it flung the up in the air and the hit together making them swirled.
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I think there was a malfunction on the ferris wheel. It went a bit too fast and they all got swirled together!
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They were jumping and bumped in to each other.
We think they were dancing so much, they got dizzy, spilled some paint and fell into it!
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The rabbit hopped over to Kansas and got caught in a tornado.
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The grandkids and I think they were in a tornado
The Trix Bunny is basicaly a thief. He broke in to the rainbow and stole the colors. While running away he stumbled and all the colors got mixed together and made Twix. garrettsambo@aol.com
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my three year old simply said the rabbit did it mom thats his job thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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They decided to share colors :)
my son said that they were skateboarding outside and crashed into each other :) LOL
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