My Mom & Lee have been on a hard journey. Mom has not had a cigarette since May 1st! Lee since May 7th I believe, correct me please. I am SO very proud of both of them. It will soon be 2 months since they’ve lit up! To be honest, I wasn’t sure they would ever do it, not because I thought they couldn’t, but because I thought for sure that they just didn’t “want” to be non-smokers!
Chris and I had been nagging them to quit for quite some time, we even had the kids involved with the “save your grandparents” campaign :) Understand that we are ex-smokers ourselves, so it’s not like we don’t understand the habit and how hard it is to break! I would apologize for trying to guilt them out of smoking but I don’t feel badly about it :)
Anyway I know they’ve been fighting hard and Mom thought she would be cute and sent some pics to me the other day of them “falling off the wagon”.

Very Funny Mom & Lee ;)
Stakes for your garden don’t qualify as cigs, lol.
That is too funny! It's neat your parents have a good sense of humor about it all!
LOL!!! Congrats to your parents!!! I'm a reformed smoker myself, 2 1/2 yrs for me. They are up to almost $8 a pack here in MI. That price hike made my dad and uncle quit about the same time as your parents. Way to go to your mom and Lee!!
Oh Wow! $* is crazy! Hubby & I quit over 5 years ago and we're so glad we did! We feel better not to mention all the money we save :) Congrats to your Dad & Uncle!
They're so cute!! Well. At least they can live vicariously through garden stakes. I guess a garden stake never killed anybody.