Here’s some thing fun to do with the kids this weekend! This information is from the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission website:
Saturday, May 23 & Sunday, June 7. Fish for Free Days allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish for Pennsylvania’s most popular fish without a fishing license. Each year the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s Executive Director designates 2 Fish for Free Days. No fishing license is required to fish on Pennsylvania’s waterways on these days. All other fishing regulations still apply.Fish for Free Days are the perfect opportunity to introduce a friend or relative to the lifelong sport of fishing. There’s no better way to enjoy Pennsylvania’s great outdoors than a day of fishing with the entire family.
This info, of course, is for PA. I am pretty certain that most, if not all, states have their own Fish for Free days. You can google it like I did , “Free fishing in ___”, to find your state’s info.
We’re pretty excited since our daughter just won a new fishing pole & tackle from our school’s Fishing For Readers program last week. Now we can put it to use along with our son’s. Daughter had the opportunity, along with 14 other kids from her school, to “skip” for the day and go fishing at the local park. It rained all day but no one seemed to notice or mind! There were about 10 fisherman on hand to help the kids and teach them all about fishing. The principal stopped down to have a hot dog as well. The kids were allowed to keep up to 5 fish to take home for supper. Of course, they could choose to just throw them back if they wanted :) Our daughter caught 4 nice Brook Trout and 1 beautiful Rainbow Trout! Thought I would also share some pictures of the event. Enjoy! Thank you Fisherman Mike! Our daughter is the tall one in the center :)

They had a GREAT time!
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