I cannot wrap my mind around someone wanting to award me something for my little blog! I do love it though, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside,
wait….. that’s from the 5 gazillion s’mores we just munched :)
Sally from A Suburban Hooker has awarded my minuscule blog the Kreativ Blogger Award! How cool is that!
Oh, but there are rules. Ugh, I’m not so good with rules! I will try though.
THE Rules:
1. List 7 things that you love
2. Link back to person who gave you the award
3. Pass it along to 7 others

Technically there’s more than 7…
Oh well.
Now that I’ve completely forgotten what it is I’m supposed to do next, I have to go back and re-read Sally’s post. Oh yes, I need to pass the award on to 7 other Kreativ Bloggers!
Random Order. Love these blogs!
- The Graphics Fairy
- Bellas Novella
- Prairie Air
- Seven Oaks
- Beyond the Fields We Know
- Just Jingle
- Crochet Life & Scrapbook of a Closet Poet
THERE! I am totally ashamed to tell you how long it took me to write this post. You see, I get distracted quite easily. I’ll have you know that hunting for blogs to pass awards too is not easy!
I get lost and captivated by other peoples’ pictures, memories, recipes & giveaways. I follow countless links and get “click-happy” as my hubs would say. So, I am getting off this computer since it is now 12:43 am, My post is timestamped at 10:13 *insert sheepish smiley face here please*
Sweet Dreams!
LOL…..I Knew exactly who I was passing it on to!! I liked seeing your 7 things…that was a great idea!! Love your blog…as you know!!
I had some ideas but wanted to pass it along to some blogs that are a little bit different. Yours would have been one but ya already have it, lol. Love yours too :)