Here’s what!!
- Tagging. I love tagging, it’s like giving someone a big pat on the back! The great thing is the more people that tag an item, the better chance it has of showing up on the front page! I will warn you that it can become addicting like most things on Bonanzle!
The tag choices are Bizarre, Beautiful, Funny, Cool and Well Priced.
Make a choice! You can choose more than one at a time.

Make a choice! You can choose more than one at a time.

Another fun thing about tagging is that you can go into your stats and see how many times your items have been tagged!
- Live Chat Window. This feature is awesome! You can connect it to your Instant Message program, it allows you to chat with those in your booth without even being there! Live Chat is a great way to let your customers know if you have any specials, sales or coupons running. It’s nice to be able to discuss combined shipping, payment options and other details with potential buyers! It’s great to let someone know you stopped by to check out their booth or tagged one of their items, maybe they’ll return the favor! One more thing I love about the live chat window is……
- Live Booth Auctions. This is a newer user-started feature of the site! You can run a LIVE! auction right in your booth’s chat window! I’ve observed a few and they are very exciting! I have yet to hold one but plan on doing so in the near future. I think for my future auction on Bonanzle to be successfull I should do a few things.
- Promote! I’ll need to get the word out, this means posting in the forums ahead time, usually there’s a thread for that day’s auctions that you can add your auction to.
- Try to choose something that will appeal to as many users as possible. I’ve seen people hold a poll asking what items buyers would like to see auctioned off. This will defintely give a better idea of what item to put up for bid.
- Make sure to put a message up in my booth chat window!
- Be in my booth ahead of time to get the party started! I’ll need to try and get everyone pumped up and keep the chat going!
- Hold a 10 or 15 minute auction, seems shorter is better here.
- Make sure I & everyone else involved knows when it will be ending! Say I’m having a 10 minute auction starting at 9:50 pm EST. I would start the bidding at 9:50, the last bid that comes in when the clock still reads 10:00 would be the winner.
- As soon as the clock turns to 10:01 the winner would be announced.
- Thank everyone!
- Handpicked Lists. These are great! I have about 8 in the works right now! I believe you are only able to have 3 active at one time, only one of mine is active so I’m good :) It’s almost like tagging but better! You can find different items on the site that you like and add them to your handpicked lists! It’s good to have a theme for each one such as Jewlery, clothes or fun things you think the founder might like! Nightgirl made this one. LOL! They only last 2 weeks so it stays fresh.
There are many other great things that I’ll talk about in later posts. My daughter is home sick from school AGAIN today so I’m cutting this one a bit short. Have a good one everyone & leave me a comment if you’re so inclined!
Thank you for the info on Bonanzle, sounds like a great alternative!
So glad you liked it! Hope you check the site out, it’s really growing!