Encouraging children to explore new hobbies

my daughter and her flute my daughter teaching herself to play the keyboard

As parents, it is our job to encourage our children to expand their horizons and try new things. Whether our children are interested in sports, art, music or any number of other age appropriate hobbies, encouragement can mean the difference between failure and success. Especially with musical hobbies, children can quickly become frustrated and overwhelmed by everything they need to learn in order to actually play their instrument. Some musical instruments are easier to learn while others are best left to older children or those with musical experience. The string instruments can be a good choice as they are often easier for children grasp. Children as young as 3 years old can start string lessons. Here are some good options for kids to start out, if they are interested in playing a musical instrument.

1. Double Bass

This instrument looks like a violin. However, it is larger in size, and has sloping shoulders. To play a Double Bass, the child must stand behind the bass, and hold it with one hand, while he/she has plays with the other. The bass is easy to start with, comes in various sizes, and you can go for the size the child is able to handle.  The maintenance required for a Double Bass is minimum. The bow has to be re-haired once a year, while the strings need to be replaced every few years. Bass players get a lot of different musical opportunities.

2. Cello

Many consider it to be the most beautiful sounding string instrument available for children. It has a thicker body and a larger size compared to a violin. A Cello is kept between the legs, and the bow and strings are operated with the hands. This instrument is not difficult to start with, and the hands are not tied up as it doesn’t have to be held. The strings need to be replaced once a year. The Cello’s metal leg also needs to be secured properly. Orchestras often have a spot for cellists.

3. Guitar

This instrument can be played with a fingerboard, or a finger pick. There are many options available for string guitars. Some examples include acoustic electric ukulele and rouge starter acoustic.

This is a good instrument to learn, and the children would be able to see quick results from their lessons. Any song can be adapted to a guitar. The strings need to be replaced every few months. Guitars are less expensive than a Bass or Cello.

4. Violin

This is considered to be the most popular string instrument. The violin is a thin wood box with an elegant neck. The strings are stretched across the body of the violin. Children are very fond of this instrument. There are many different sizes available. Orchestras have a high demand for violinists.

These are some of the string instruments that a child may be interested in learning to play. One word of advice; Before purchasing an expensive instrument outright, it may be a good idea to rent the instrument. Then, if your child enjoys their music lessons, setting up a payment plan can help keep your child’s hobby within your budget. Learning a musical instrument will be a valuable experience for your child.


About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    Playing an instrument is a fantastic learning experience for kids. My eight year old has been in drum lessons for the past three years and it’s really helped him focus, etc. Here, the kids can’t play instruments in school until 4th or 5th grade, so he takes private lessons.

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      Ours start in 5th grade as well, though we’ve always had various instruments around the house for the kids to play with. Drumming is a great way to get kids to focus and coordinate!

  2. 3

    Zoe promises she is going to be a rock star that sings and plays guitar. She actually has a very nice guitar we need to get her some lessons. Gav’s playing the baritone this year in school and really enjoying it!

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