Easily Organize your life with Clipix.com

Are you forever adding new bookmarks to your “must remember” folder? Or scribbling notes and tips on pieces of paper? If you’re like me and you do this, then you probably end up never returning to those bookmarked and scribbled websites! Sites like Clipix.com are an awesome way to collect, file and save all of those sites, recipes, tips and more for easier use. And clipix does this in a way that makes it so easy to go back and find what you’re looking for!

Also, something I find really cool is the fact that with clipix, you can use the Syncboards to share your clips and Clipix boards with your friends and family! You and your best friend could create and clip together from separate computers in real time! How fun would that be! Clipix boards are also so easy to organize — just drag and drop to rearrange. You can also get super organized with Clipix by creating — drag and drop multiple boards onto one another to group your related boards together. I love this feature because I am always so disorganized!

I’m currently using my clipix account as a catchall for all of the vacation and travel ideas I have for our family. There are tons of local attractions and wonderful places to visit in the surrounding area! I have a bunch of folders on my PC that have ideas in them but I honestly never go in to look at anything I’ve saved in them, plus they take up space. I’m going to start slowly weeding through them to get everything moved over to clipix.

 clipix.com boards are easy to organize and share 

I have plans to make custom boards for Day Trips, Weekend Trips, Quick Outings and Long trips. I think I’m off to a good start and am pretty excited about how easy it’s going to be to go back and look up an idea or place when I want to plan more! 

 organize your life with clipix.com boards 

Another great feature of clipix boards is that you can add clips to your boards from any device, even from your phone with the iPhone App! You can make clipboards for anything and everything from dinner menu ideas to  holiday and birthday gift and party ideas to recipe boards and wish lists, the possibilities are endless!

Oh and guess what? You don’t even need an invite to sign up! Get yourself over there and start clipping!  Check out the Clipix Facebook and Twitter pages @Clipix for all the news and updates! What will you clip first?

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About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a tech loving, video game playing, pr friendly single mom / gramma blogger who talks about life with a teen daughter, an adult son, a toddler granddaughter and all that it entails. Subscribe to A Hen's Nest for giveaways, delicious family recipes, reviews and more!



  1. 1

    Hey, I’d love to feature your blog on my “Total Home Makeover” USA book tour to sweep the nation clean.

    Let me know: http://renee-joyjourney.com/2012/09/get-featured-on-total-home-makeover-usa.html

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