I just realized who Brittany Murphy was! Doh

Okay so this is old news to most, I admit it sometimes takes me awhile to actually process things, I had wandered over to this blog and was reading random posts. (Bored!) when I saw the picture on this post I suddenly realized what the big deal was last week when Brittany Murphy died. WHAM!! It hit me who she was! I’m so sad now! One of my very favorite movies is Uptown Girls, I mean it, II love the soundtrack, love the actors, L-O-V-E that movie. Brittany and Dakota Fanning (Molly & Ray) have an awesome connection in it and for some strange reason it really makes me miss my dad. It makes me bawl every single time.

How sad that the world has lost another talented actress! Lost to a possible medication error? I don’t know if that’s the case but after reading about all of the prescription meds that were in her home I cringe! A few years ago my mom was on several medications that were similar to the ones listed, one for seizures (which she never had), another for depression, smoking cessation, blood pressure, steroids and more that she didn’t even know what they were for! The doctor just put her on them and never checked what interacted with what! She was acting crazy and weird (well weirder than usual, lol). My step-sis and I were so worried! We kept telling her she needed to talk to her doctor about them! Finally she did and was taken off several. Who knows what would have happened if she wouldn’t have confronted her doctor and gotten her medication straightened out! It just goes to show that it can happen to anyone! It’s so sad :(

About the Author

Henrietta Newman is a self-loving empty-nester into smudging, nature, yoga, fitness, healthy living, hunting, camping, hiking, tech, video games, gadgets, recipes, reviews and more.
With a love for the outdoors and visiting local attractions in and around NW PA and Lake Erie, you never know what you'll find in my nest! Subscribe to A Hen's Nest so you don't miss the fun!



  1. 1

    I understand how you feel. It took me a minute to figure out who she is/was as well. It's so sad. She's so young.

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